MRM results table error in SCIEX OS software: Library not installed. There is no installed library database

日期: 10/26/2024
类别: SCIEX OS software

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For research use only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.


When creating a new results table with multiple reaction monitoring (MRM) data in SCIEX OS software, an error message may appear after selecting the Process button: “Library not installed; there is no installed library database.” If a library search is not required, users can prevent this error from reappearing by deselecting the Quantitation and targeted identification and/or the Non-targeted screening options in the Workflow tab in the open processing method.

The error pictured above can be cleared by clicking OK without affecting the processing results. To avoid this error message in subsequent sessions when processing only MRM data where no library search is required, users must ensure that only the checkbox next to Quantitation in the Workflow tab is selected and then resave their processing method. 


NOTE: To complete this change, users must use the Open option under the Process Method menu in Analytics mode to open the processing method. The option Edit Embedded Method… will not allow users to select the correct workflow boxes.

This knowledge article addresses the workflows where no library search is required, and the user wants to avoid this unnecessary error. If your workflow includes targeted analysis or non-targeted screening and a library is required, but it is not working, please contact SCIEX Tech Support for troubleshooting.